"40 years in bulk materials handling and the construction industry"

Over the past two weeks 30 of Centristic’s staff have attended and completed a Level 2 First Aid for Mental Health course with our neighbours, Focus Training.
Centristic aim to create a healthy and friendly working environment for all our employees.
The course will enable our employees and managers alike to be increasingly aware of mental health both inside and outside of the workplace. This encourages healthy conversation and allows employees to feel comfortable talking about day to day things that might affect their well-being.
With 1 In 4 people likely to have a mental health problem at some point in their lives, it is time to put an end to the stigma surrounding mental health.
Cavalier Road
Heathfield Industrial Estate
Newton Abbot
Phone: 01626 83 43 10
Fax: 01626 83 46 81
Company No. 1549267
VAT No. 927 3238 18
Cavalier Road
Heathfield Industrial Estate
Newton Abbot
TQ12 6TQ
Phone: 01626 83 43 10
Fax: 01626 83 46 81
Company No. 1549267
VAT No. 927 3238 18
Job Vacancies Available